Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Longs Drug in Marina Horrible Customer Service

Longs Drug Store in Marina, CA. 93933

Atrocious Customer Service.

On Dec. 18, 2007, Dale went into Longs Drug Store in Marina. I went to Save Mart first then met Dale by the pharmacy in Longs. At the checkout a clerk named William P. scared the pants off of me.

The clerk did not greet me. He didn’t say a word. After staring at me for @ 10-20 seconds, I stared back for @ 5 seconds

Customer: Is there a problem?

Clerk: What’s your problem?

After a few more seconds………..the clerk glared at me with anger and rage in his eyes. I have never been so terrified making a purchase.

Customer: Did I do something to offend you. All I want is to buy my stuff.

Clerk: mumble….mumble……

Customer: I apologize if I offended you.

Clerk: mumble….mumble……

William’s behavior was appalling; it is inexcusable for any customer to feel intimated by a store clerk.

William P. (Peofield) ??
Black, male
35-45 years old
Height: 5’8” – 5’10”
Missing front tooth

Longs Drug Stores Corporation
141 North Civic Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
925-937-1170 (Phone)

Linda M. WattSenior
Vice President, Human Resources


Kelly O'Hara said...

This idiot still works there

Anonymous said...

This guy is realy bad, but good employees are hard to find.