Sunday, February 28, 2010

The deepest sorrow I have ever felt

I fucked up... really bad. Barney Inada died early Monday morning of a heart attack.

It was preventable, Barney complained of chest pains starting @ 9:00 Sunday night. Dale and I kept giving him aspirin and put him to bed @ 11:00pm.

At 3:30am Monday morning Barney tried to get out of bed holding his chest. He collapsed in my arms and I staring CPR immediately. I was doing it really poorly, I panic and did a very bad job.

Barney was essentially a child, a sweet, gentle and loving being. In a lot of ways I was closer to Barney then to Dale.

The shame and guilt I have from NOT calling 911 sooner will be with me the rest of my life. I failed Barney when he needed me most.

I am scum.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Barney Inada died today February 22, 2010

Barney Inada died today February 22, 2010.
In March 1999 Barney had a major stroke which left him very child like.
He enjoyed children playing, his daughters singing and his neko Ling-Ling.
The pain is unbearable and I have lost 2lbs. all in tears.
This is the saddest day of my life.

Sunday, February 7, 2010